Deborah Wilk is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Mindful in the Wild co-founder (with Jessica Volpentesta). While Deborah's private practice , Riverwalk Therapy, is based in Issaquah, she does sessions in wild places all around the Puget Sound area.
Jessica Hancock, MS, ND, is a naturopathic physician who utilizes mindfulness in her private practice in Shoreline, Maple Leaf Naturopathy. As a former forest ecologist, she also loves connecting patients to the healing benefits of nature.
As ecotherapists, we utilize nature as an ally in our work. Various techniques from Shinrin-Yoku (Japanese Forest Bathing) along with Mindfulness Meditation practices form the foundation for our Mindful in the Wild sessions, classes and retreats.
Our Mindful in the Wild office is located at 310 3rd Ave NE, STE 101, Issaquah, WA 98027. Mindful in the Wild classes, retreats and personal sessions are offered all over the Puget Sound area.